Thursday, March 25, 2010


I'm on the train to DC with about an hour left till I get there so I have plenty of time for updates. We haven't had any more calls for showings since this past weekend, but I'm hoping that we'll hear something soon. I took off work tomorrow as a little reward to myself for all the work I've been doing for my work project...the one I'm presenting today. I plan on getting some good sleep, catching up on my DVR, and doing some cleaning. The house is looking a little dirty right now because I haven't had a spare second this week.

Mr. B's dad stayed with us this weekend and we finally ended up going to Moore Brothers Wine Shop. They had such a great selection of wines and they were pretty cheap too! The staff was super helpful and we'll definitely be going back. In fact, we took a bottle of wine to a byob last night that we got from there and it was really good. It was much different than we're used to, but the change was good.

Here comes the usual train headache that I get, so off I go to study my slides.

- Mrs. B

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