Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thank you Columbus!

I so enjoyed my day off yesterday even though I had to study for my midterm, which is going to blow. This weekend went by way to fast considering I had a full 4 days off. I spent most of Friday running errands and then we went to Mr. B's friend's wedding that night. Mr. B had class and his teacher wouldn't let him leave early to come to the wedding. He didn't get there until almost 10pm. Thank God my mom crashed and came with me because I probably would have been miserable by myself. I gorged myself with the mushroom raviolis and fried shrimp and I must have had at least 6 Captain and Diets. The stupid teenage bartender carded me. Hello, we're at a wedding here...and I'm going to be 26 in less than a month!! Whatever...I guess it's good that I'm still getting carded.

Saturday Mr. B had class bright and early so I ate some wedding cake and cleaned up the house from the remodel. Somehow I dragged myself to the gym and actually had a good workout. Saturday night I went out with some girl friends into the city. We had some beers and crab fries at Chickie and Pete's and watched the Flyers. After that we went out in Old City and I found a new love...Energy Martini's. We found our way to another bar and then went to an after hours place in another part of the city. I got home soo late...I can't remember the last time I got home at 4am if ever.

Sunday I pretty much did nothing by lie on the couch. We ran some errands and I watched the SEx and the City movie. It was good...perhaps a little overrated, or maybe I was just tired and hung over and couldn't really focus. Yesterday we finally got our new fridge delivered and it's huge. Massive. I'm so glad that we have a fridge that doesn't leak anymore!!! We went to the gym and then I studied the rest of the day. I still have more studying to do but I also have a shitton of work to do. Real work. Ugh...I've been feeling so stressed lately and it's affecting my sleep. Boo!

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